Monday, January 28, 2008

Comment on "Bury the Chains"

I find it quite interesting that General Carleton, of the British army, refused to give into George Washington's demands. He never returned the former slaves to the Americans and instead shipped them to Nova Scotia, where they could truly be free. Despite raids on New York City, where some of the slaves' former owners would travel to New York City and capture and reenslave the slaves freed by the British army, Carleton never gave up on the freed slaves. I think this really shows Carleton's character because he stood behind his beliefs and would not let the Americans take their former slaves back to their plantations, where they might be killed for opposing their owner or worked to death. I think that if more people had stood behind their beliefs the abolition of slavery would've happened a lot sooner. I'm sure the people who started opposing slavery opening weren't the first ones who thought it was horrific. I know that money is a powerful motivator, but the captains and crew on all of the slave ships had to have thought, at least in their mind, since most never voiced their opposition of slavery, that it was wrong to enslave an unsuspecting man, woman or child, of any color, against their will.

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