Thursday, January 31, 2008

How Others Write Essays

Something I thought was really important that we talked about in class today was about how other people write essays. I usually wait until a couple days before the essay is due and then try to cram it all into those couple of days. This semester, I am trying so hard to get my GPA up, and with that I need to take my time on essays, for this class especially. I'm really trying to unlearn all my old habits and make new ones so that I can be successful in this course and other courses over the next two years. I thought it was interesting to hear how other people write their essays. I am really hoping I can take some of that into consideration when writing essays in the future, so that I can be more successful in writing. Writing essays has always been my least favorite thing to do; I love to write poems and creative stories and it's helped me through a lot of difficult things, but I have never been a strong essay writer. A lot of times, I am so unmotivated to write about the topic, even if its something I'm passionate about. I really want to learn to have fun, or at least not be bored to death, while writing essays, and some of what we talked about in class today will help, I think.

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